Yesterday we went to Rocky Shore. Down on the beach we found Half crabs, Sea Stars, Sea Lettuce and chiton. I saw lots of Barnacles, 2 Flat worms and they looked disgusting, I found sea anemones and I thought they were funny because when you touch them they close like a door. When we got there we played on the playground. At morning tea time when I was eating my cracker my tooth fell out! Sonny wrapped it in glad-rap. Sophia's Mum took us there and it was the first time I've been there. I saw a glass shrimp in a groups ice cream container. My favourite thing was finding the creatures. by Ella
It was Flowers and Pets Day at school today. Everyone in Room 1 made a button hole and a sand saucer. Lots of children decorated biscuits and some made miniature gardens.
A few children brought their pets to school like Pippa with her young goat.