19 October 2016


This morning Shaun came and he told me about bees. That bees collect pollen to make it into honey. There was 50,000 bees in a hive. Bees have stings that hurt. After that die. The Queen bee has a white dot on it's back and the Queen bee is the boss. It also is the biggest bee. It lays 1,500 eggs a day. Big bees get pollen to feed the baby bees. The smoker is to stop the bees talking to each other bees. Guard bees protect the hive. There are girl bees and boy bees but there are most girls than boys. Squash wasps because they steal bees food.      Robbie

My Dad talked about bees in Room One. I helped carry the stuff into the classroom. Dad said to Caleb to go to his classroom but he did not do it. The guard bee stings the wasps who are trying to get to the honey. The Queen bee has protecting bees around her. Dad gets the honey in the hive and sells it to Fresh Choice, then people buy it. Then they buy it again. Bees are really important for out garden.      Jacob

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