30 August 2014

Japanese Big Kids

On Tuesday some Japanese students came to our school to teach us origami with square coloured paper. Six students came to our class and I didn't do any origami. In the hall some of us tried on their costume before they did a fishing show that the Juniors watched. Then we did the first part of the dance and we would like them to come again.                     Lucy W and  Nikita

17 August 2014

Zappy Zoomers

Yesterday my class made Zappy Zoomers. We used two bits of card there were long bits and short bits. We used tape and a
stapler to put it together. So how do you make it? 
I used the stapler and stapled the two bits of card together into a circle. After that I got four straws and put them inside, and outside the loops of card and taped them on! Then I was done! 
Next everyone went outside to see how far they could throw their Zappy Zoomer but when we threw them the fat end didn't go far so when we threw it. With the little end it went further because it was more streamlined.
I won two of the races!     Tyler

04 August 2014

Brightwater School Commonwealth Games

At school we had a Commonwealth Games day . My team was Nigeria. I liked the high jump, because you landed on a big, big mat. We got  600 points. I didn't get a medal. We had two people playing bagpipes at the start of ceremony. The Queen came in a car with Mr Baldwin and she read us a note about  the friendly games. It was a lot of fun.
by Luca