28 June 2012

Room 1 are great mathematicians!

We are learning to use place value to solve tricky addition sums.  
We add all of the tens first and then add the ones.
Jordy solved these maths equations all by himself with no materials.  You are so clever Jordy!

27 June 2012

Super exciting sentences

We are learning to create exciting sentences.  We had to choose a noun (thing) and use an adjective to describe it and include a verb (action) that it would do.  We each wrote 5-8 sentences and chose our favourite one for the blog.

A feathery bird squawked.  - Lane
The spotty dog jogged. - Jaymee
A graceful swan floated. - Anya
The sharp scissors snapped. - Callum C
The furry dog jumped. - Amy
An old man fell. - Reichen
A spooky bear sprinted. - Charlotte
The small penguin wobbled. - Brookie-Lee
The big monster truck wheelied.  - Flynn
A little dog scampered. - Summer
The beautiful ballerina danced. - Ameera
The fast two wheeler motorbike jumps. - Luke
The cool dragon fried me. - Callum R
The slow snail slithered. - Harry
A fat cat zoomed. - Jordy
A good dog flips. - Ian
The sparkly princess twirled. - Tessa
A funny clown juggled. - Jordan
A little frog leaped. - Tom
The fast boat sped. - Joe
The fast truck crashed. - Cody

Shared Lunch

Yesterday all of the kids and some parents from Room 1 surprised me with a shared lunch and a beautiful card with messages from each child.  It was very special.  Thank you very much parents and Room 1.  I will miss seeing all of your smiling faces and teaching you.  You are a fabulous class and Mrs Gianelly is so lucky to have such a terrific bunch of children to teach.

25 June 2012

'All About Us' Letters to our new teacher...

This slideshow runs automatically and changes every 5 seconds.  You can push the pause buttons and use the arrows to move through the slides at your own speed.


22 June 2012

Robert and his Guide Dog!

Today Anya's Nana and her friend Robert came to visit us.  Robert is blind and he has a guide dog to help him get around.  His dog is called Inchy and he is super clever.  Robert says "Pak n Save' and the dog will walk him there. Robert has a special computer to help him read and write.

Learning Vowel Sounds

Ian has been practising the vowel sounds and listening to the medial sounds in words.  He was asked to write some words and insert the correct vowel.  Great job Ian.

21 June 2012

Out comes the sunshine

Wahoo, after a week of rain the sun has come out again and we finally got to go outside for some PE. Today we were learning to pass the soccer ball using the inside of our foot and to trap it with one foot.  Then we practised dribbling the balls close to our bodies.  Afterwards we finished off with some quick running races.

'Phone a Friend' Show

Today some people from NZ Playhouse came to Brightwater School and performed a show for us.  The show was very funny but had an important message about cyber bullying.  It was all about a boy who got a new cell phone and gave his number to a person at school. That person then sent mean texts and made fun of him on Facebook.   When we are older and get cell phones we now know not to give out our number to people who we don't know very well and if we do get any mean texts to tell a teacher or adult.

20 June 2012

Mrs Gianelly comes to visit!

Mrs Robertson is leaving at the end of the term to move back to Christchurch. Today our new teacher came to visit us!  Her name is Mrs Gianelly.  We asked her lots of questions and she read us a story.  We think Mrs Gianelly is very friendly and will be lots of fun as our new teacher.  Mrs Robertson told her that we were the best class in the school!!!  We are looking forward to Mrs Gianelly teaching us next term.

Planet Earth and its Features

Planet Earth is our home.  It is the ground we stand on, the air we breath and the water in the seas and rivers.
The Earth has....mountains, valleys, hills, plains, peninsulas, volcanoes, beaches, cliffs, rivers, lakes and much more!

From space the Earth looks smooth.  From the ground the Earth seems mostly flat but we know it is really a round ball or sphere moving through space.

Today we worked in pairs to create an island out of playdoh.  We had to label the features on our island.  We wrote stories about our islands too!

Here are some examples of our islands..

19 June 2012

Block City

It was an inside lunchtime today.  These people worked together and cooperated to build a city out of the blocks.  Their city had:
*jumps for the cars
*electric gates
*power poles

18 June 2012

Today we wrote stories about the storm last night.  Mrs Robertson taught us to use bold writing. We had to make sure we used exciting action words and noises!
Last night I heard the thunder. I shot under the blankets.  I shivered.  BOOM went the thunder. My bed shook.  I looked at the lightning.  It nearly made me blind because it was so bright. I shut the curtains.

I was lying in bed and I heard a BOOM! I was terrified.  My windows were shaking and flapping to and fro.  I was frightened.  The lightning crashed loudly and I ran to Mum and Dad.  I woke up to see the lightning.  There was a power cut.

Last night there was a thunder storm.  I heard lots of thunder.  I was in my bed happily dreaming about cupcakes when boom went the thunder.  I woke up with a fright.  I went down to mummy's room.  I said "that thunder disturbed my cupcake dream."  Then I went back to my bed until... crash went the lightning.  I woke up again.

17 June 2012

Puppet Pals App
As seen in assembly on Friday.  This show was made by Jordy, Brookie-Lee and Ian.  They selected their own characters, scene and wrote the script. Great work guys!

15 June 2012

Untitled from Andrea Robertson on Vimeo.

This week the Giraffes read a play called The Bone Garden. They practised hard all week using expression and loud voices to be able to perform to an audience. 
There were 3 characters in the play.  There are 6 people in the Giraffes.  They split into two groups and both groups performed to the class. 
Above is a video of Jaymee, Olivia and Callum C performing their play.

14 June 2012

Anya reads the big book to the class

Listen to Anya reading Bertha and the Beeman and the class helping with some of the actions. She did a fabulous job reading with a loud, clear and fluent voice.  She even used expression! Great reading Anya!

Untitled from Andrea Robertson on Vimeo.

13 June 2012

Reichen's Guinea Pig

On Tuesday Reichen brought his new guinea pig to school.  It is only 7 weeks old. He got it from a breeder in Motueka.  Reichen called his guinea pig Snowflake because it is black with a white nose which reminded him of a snowflake.  His sister, Brooklyn, has a guinea big too.  They are brothers.  She called her guinea pig Scruffy.  The guinea pigs are soft and cute.

08 June 2012

Cross Country Champions

Today the whole school went to Lord Rutherford Park for the school cross country. We all ran super fast.  It was exciting crossing the finish line!!!

The Year 1/2 syndicate winners were:

1st - Charlotte
2nd - Kaitlyn
3rd - Brookie-Lee
Boys:1st - Harry I
2nd - Callum R
3rd - Jack R
It was super close between Callum and Jack.  Callum passed Jack just before the final finishing line!

Well done everybody who took part and thanks to all of the parents for the help, support and encouragement today!