27 September 2013

Mrs Stewart is Leaving

It is Mrs Stewarts last day at Brightwater School. We are so sad that she is leaving, so all of the school is going to sing a song at Assembly in the afternoon and she had a ride on a shiny white helicopter in the back field. Before she went in the helicopter the whole school stood in two lines and Mrs Stewart walked down the middle. It was so windy when it landed onto the grass.We clapped for Mrs Stewart and said have a nice ride.
Today we are going to the hall to sing the song about her. The song was called 'See you Later Mrs Stewart' and another song which is called Ma Te Mahi Ka Ora.
For lunch we had a shared lunch. Mostly everyone brought some lunch. I tried to find some healthy stuff. We also made a video about Brightwater School and a scrap book to give to her. Goodbye Mrs Stewart.

Madeline and Anya

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