12 March 2013


Our Reading Group read the story, Undersea Gardens and looked on the internet and this is what we learned about seaweed.
Horse feed supplement derived from seaweed or kelp have been developed to add trace minerals especially iodine, that maybe missing in a horse's basic feed ration.
by Jaymee
In the Galapagos Island's live an Iguana who only eats seaweed. They can stay under water eating for around ten minutes but big Iguana can stay under for over an hour.
by Ashlee
Seaweed goes away from Islands because the Ocean makes the seaweed move slowly around.
by Toby
Seaweed can grow up to 70 meters long and  that is almost taller than a cruise ship. It is 70 times taller than us.
by Harrison.
Some seaweed are as tiny as your little fingernail.
By Madeline
Bull kelp is made into pepper.
by Anya
Seahorses wrap their tails around seaweed so they don't get swept into deep seas.

by Lily

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